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Stanford in Florence 50th Anniversary Reunion

Are you a Stanford in Florence alum and planning on coming to the 50th Anniversary in Florence to be held June 20-22, 2010? (If you're studying at Stanford and thinking of coming to study abroad in Florence, read the OSP website for more info AND feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.)

As an alum, I'll be there and hope to meet you then. I also hope you're finding all the information you need on Florence for your return to this beautiful Renaissance city.

If you haven't booked your hotel in Florence yet, do so now at one of the following hotels or search for a different hotel from the searchbox to the left above. Also feel free to ask anything you might need on our forum!

If instead of a hotel you're interested in the more intimate, welcoming atmosphere of a bed and breakfast, you'll find lots of recommendations for charming bed and breakfasts in Florence.

Author: Lourdes Flores

I'm from California but have called Florence my home for over a decade. I love to explore Italy; it is a lot of fun to try to see everything like I'm seeing it for the first time, keeping you, our readers, always in mind. I enjoy sharing what I know and helping others as they make their travel plans for Tuscany through our Forum. If you have itinerary-related questions, please post them there!


Questions? The right place to ask is our Forum*

* Questions posted on Comments above will no longer receive replies: please ask on our Forum!

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  • Florence