Florence is a small, walkable city. You don't need a car while in Florence, but what if you arrive in Florence with one? You'll need to figure out where to park it before enjoying the sights!
Whether you're in Florence for just one day or for several, paid parking is the way to go. While you can park along many streets in Florence (all paid parking), street parking is scarce even for residents. You also have to remember to not drive into the ZTL, the limited traffic zone, while looking for parking or otherwise you'll face some hefty fines (they often arrive at your home months after your vacation).
The best solution to not worry about either finding a spot or driving in the ZTL?
Head to a parking garage within the ZTL area. Get as close as possible to where you're headed, which are the main sights if you're a visitor. For these practical reasons, the parking garage Park2Go, a block away from the Duomo, is one I've been recommending to many visitors to the city over the past year.

The parking garage Park2Go has been planned with visitors to Florence in mind. They offer a convenient place to leave your car while you set off to explore the city's main attractions a short walking distance away.
After this first year of business, the reviews on Google on the garage are all very positive and emphasize the importance of their range of services: they range from "very friendly staff" to "good service and price, very close to Florence cathedral" to "I highly recommend this location for parking". Overall, the parking has earned a 4.5/5 rating on Google over the past year.
The owners of the garage commented:
During this first year of business, we have been able to welcome many clients and learn of their needs and requests. We are happy we started this adventure which has given us the chance to meet many types of people, letting us feel close to them as we seek to offer a useful service they can take advantage of when visiting our city.
I recommend this garage within the ZTL for very practical reasons, which have been highlighted in the many reviews. If you knowingly head to a business in the center, as is the case for parking garages, they can send your license plate to the authorities to make you exempt from any fines because you entered the ZTL to use their business. You win from all points of view: easy access with no worries about the ZTL and no worries about what to do with your car while you're visiting the center.
Unfortunately, the ZTL is still a risky business and there were a few incidents with clients getting ZTL fines. With great customer service in mind, they offered to pay the fines on behalf of their clients and have since installed a brand new automatic license plate reading system at the entrance of the garage. This system transcribes the license plate automatically which are then sent to the police to ensure clients are added to the white list.
In order to keep clients updated on changes and news on the ZTL, Park2Go maintains a website dedicated to Florence's ZTL. You can read more details on the ZTL ahead of your arrival by checking their site out: www.ztlfirenze.info
The garage is located in an elegant Renaissance palazzo owned by the Pucci family, one of the oldest noble families in Florence. It is centrally located, a block away from the Duomo and thus easy walking distance from all of the main sights. Open from 7am to 1am, it's location makes it ideal for anyone heading to Florence for a full day visiting the sights, for shopping or even just the evening for a dinner or theater performance. Many restaurants and shops are located in the streets in the neighborhood, as well as top museums such as the Accademia (located on the same street).
With over 40 spots, the garage is large enough to accommodate many clients but if you're visiting during the high season or on the weekends, I'd highly recommend you book your spot directly online through their website before arriving. Cost varies by the size of your car, check that page to see current special offers and rates. You can park and pay for just a few hours, a whole day or multiple days. Rest assured that by choosing a private garage, your vehicle and any belongings inside will be safe as there is always someone on hand while the garage is open and all areas video monitored.
So if you're driving to Florence, just head to Park2Go and safely park your car near the main attractions. You can check out any promotions as well as book online by going to their site. Call +39 327 0993522 (Tommaso) or +39 055 0739873 for more information or if you have questions or doubts on how to get there (map it in a GPS to get there without worries).
Last update: May 2018
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