Until a few years ago, anyone staying for the summer or any part of it in Florence was practically doomed to suffer the heat and – above all – some boredom. There was a lack of ideas for activities and entertainment in the city. Fortunately, something has changed over the last few years! At least as far as fun is concerned! The full program of the Estate Fiorentina, or Florentine Summer includes appointments every single day, offering lots of options to enjoy fun cultural activities, including music concerts, art shows and food related events.
In the summer you now have the opportunity to also visit several special places which are generally closed to the public the rest of the year. This includes several towers and gates that have stood the test of time (and man) and are still standing and fortresses that were part of the ancient defensive system of the city. Some of the places are open every day, with free admission, others are accessible only on some dates and with guided tour (and that is in Italian, but you can still enjoy the visit).
For summer 2018, here is a list of the places you can enjoy with their special summer opening and should add to your itinerary!
Torre San Niccolò (Piazza Poggi)
The first of the city’s defensive towers reopened to the public. It will be open every day until September 30 from 5pm to 8pm (from September 1st from 4pm to 7pm, last access half an hour before closing): access always includes a guided tour. Cost € 4.00.
Torre della Zecca

A tower restored last year and finally open for visits! A new extraordinary view of the city from a new, particular angle.
July 21st: from 5pm to 7.30pm
August 18: from 5pm to 7.30pm
September 15: from 4pm to 6.30pm
October 20: from 3pm to 5.30pm
Cost: € 4.00

Porta Romana
The view above is from this tower gate into the southern part of the city and Oltrarno.
July 28: from 5pm to 7.30pm
August 25: from 5pm to 7.30pm
September 22: from 4pm to 6.30pm
October 27: from 3pm to 5.30pm
Cost: € 4.00
Baluardo San Giorgio
Part of the ancient walls that go along the hill behind the Bardini Gardens.
July 14: 5pm, 6pm and 7pm
August 11: 5pm, 6pm and 7pm
September 8: 4pm, 5pm, 6pm
October 13: 3pm, 4pm, 5pm
Cost: € 4.00
Fortress of San Giovanni (also known as the Fortezza da Basso)
From July 7th to September 29th, every Saturday 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am
Free admission (reservation required).
Reservations are mandatory for all of the above.
For information and reservations, you can call +39 055-2768224 or email info@muse.comune.fi.it
Forte Belvedere
Currently the Belvedere fortress is the setting that is hosting Eliseo Mattiacci’s GONG contemporary art exhibition. It is open every day, except Mondays.
Guided tours: from June 2 to October 14, every Saturday at 4pm and 5.30pm and every Sunday 11am and 12.30pm you can join in a guided tours.
Cost: € 4.00 (Metropolitan City residents), € 5.00 (non-Metropolitan City residents).
If you wish to visit another tower, with a very special view, don’t forget the Palazzo Vecchio’s Torre di Arnolfo. It is open year round now, not just in the summer.
Admission is allowed to visitors aged 8 and up (for the Palazzo Vecchio tower aged 6 and over). Admission is free for kids under 18.